Hunting Asia volume 1 : Narok by Stephen Bessac

NAROK is a photobook by Stephen Bessac (Singer of the infamous French band Kickback) documenting his trips to the gruesome Buddhist Hell gardens of Thailand. This is the first book in English about these mysterious and fascinating places and this volume is also the first in a series, all dealing with the dark and unknown side of East Asia. 18 x 24 cm, 256 pages, hardcover

Val Denham like them

“5 Ectoplasms”, prints in a box by Jhonn Balance,

only 50 copies published! HERE

And the astonishing big 400 page book of Aleksandra Waliszewska’s incredible art.
One of the best art books that I have ever seen. HERE

Chair de Fer

1914-1918. A tribute to Denis GRRR’s ball-pen art. “Broken Faces” at the brothel shaking their stumps hardened by pain. Death with shell shape breasts builds and laughs. The mocking Ace invites you to this morbid banquet in large format.

30 x 40 cm - 28 pages in colors - Folded soft cover

Limited to 300 copies

More here :

L’opus “CHAIR de FER” sur la thématique de 14-18 par Denis GRRR
(illustration et maquette) est sorti. Assorti d’un texte d’Alain
Que 300 exemplaires numérotés, dont 18 tirages de
tête signés et authentifiés avec un marquage au tampon à sec comprenant
un tirage supplémentaire numéroté: “La Guerre”, plus une broche en
métal. Hélas épuisé!!!
Les 50 premiers commandés recevront un exemplaire signé.
Format 30x40. 28 pages couleur sur papier Rives Laid - Natural 220 g.

From David Tibet desk



I am—as you will know—OverMoonTime to announce, as many of you will have seen already, that Aleksandra Waliszewska’s
new perfect book, PROBLEM/SOLUTION, an expanded and ecstatic
conjunction and copulation of her last two perfect books PROBLEM and
SOLUTION, has just been published by TimeLess. This book has a ForeWord
by me and an AfterWord by Nick Cave. Her book also includes a lovely
portrait of me that Aleksandra painted, with her usual Lovely Kindness!
Thank you so much, Dearest Ola! Go there to obtain and maintain and
proclaim. Photographs by St. Ania Goszczyńska.

GO HERE TO PURCHASE IT:…/problem-solution-4-aleksa…/


Timeless is extremely pleased to present something truly unique! You
might have seen Gen mention preparing the publication of h/er notebooks
in the recent NY Times article. This is it: culled from h/er private mostly unpublished archives, the
1st volume called “Archives and Documents” presents 152 full colour
pages of crucial early art terrorism like h/er little seen Nekrophile
zine, reproduced here in full. Nekrophile magazine was conceived in 1968
by GPO as a sole and only issue. The collages, drawings, poems and
texts gathered in it deal with the themes that will prevail in the
iconography of Industrial Music. This volume also displays ultra rare TG and PTV documents commented by
GPO and that are not the same old exponents that a Google image search
will yield.(no ticket stubs or tape cover designs here). Edited by Nicolas Ballet with personal explanations and insights added
by GPO, this volume is an essential visual document of Gen’s
contributions to art and culture from the mid 1960s onwards with a
strong emphasis on that most controversial and rewarding period of the
late 70s and early 80s. The second book (Prophecies & Messages) focuses on even more
personal and magickal aspects that are the very heart of GPO’s life and
art, it contains the reproduction of two magical and richly illustrated
scrapbooks selected by Nicolas Ballet. Unparalleled documents of a virtual spiritual journey into he/r occult
practices, essential for students of contemporary esotericism. These books are an indispensible gift for the industrial music fan, the
connoisseur of 20th and 21st century art and the novice and experts of
the byways of the occult, prepared with the full collaboration of and
overseen by Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, it is futile to stress that this
no less than a visual companion piece to the Psychick Bible.



CAMOUFLAGE opening took place at Atelier Eiffel in Paris on January 26.
It consisted in a
presentation of the book as a talk involving Laurence Dupré, Loulou
Picasso (from Bazooka group), Eric de Chassey (director of the National
Institute of Art History and curator of the Europunk exhibition)
and Nicolas Ballet. This was followed by a signing cession and a
cocktail. Many people, friend, artists were present. 


When Throbbing Gristle donned their infamous camouflage uniforms in
1980 it became a pivotal statement for industrial and post-industrial
Few of the countless imitators realised that those
particular uniforms were custom-made and designed by their close ally
Laurence Dupré (aka Lawrence Dupré). In true TG fashion expectations
were confounded and a deeper level of importance literally hidden away
from easy deciphering.

Timeless feels honoured to present a first extensive
overview of Laurence Dupré’s early career raging from her DiY fashion
zines of the late 70s/early 80s dealing with camouflage patterns and
appliances, her collages for Sordide Sentimental, her meeting with
Genesis P-Orridge in Hackney to her design worky not only for the TG
uniforms, but also other aspects of the latter day TG image.

Showcasing for the first time her unique trademark designs envisioned
with her brother Loulou Picasso of the Bazooka group. Richly illustrated
in colour, the 188 page book was designed by Loulou Picasso and
contains insightful essays and contributions from Jean Pierre Turmel
(Sordide Sentimental), Genesis P-Orridge, Jon Savage, Neville Brody and
Elli Medeiros.



This book is the culmination of three years work and covers the Occult
practices in Thailand, from amulets to rituals to blessings. What marks
this system is its openness as anyone can begin a life of magic and
train themselves using a good amulet. The Thai Occult book aims to help
those interested in this deep and ancient art as a practitioner or to
use the knowledge to refresh their own magical practices, all through the words of the Ajarns themselves.
552 pages
140,000 words
300+ top quality photos and comes in two editions.

THE SILVER EDITION - This is the standard edition of the book at 69
euros plus P+P and everyone who orders a copy before the release date of
September 3rd shall receive a free, signed bookmark.
EDITION is something more special. It is the same book with gold script
on the cover, but this one contains a numbered and signed bookmark and a
metal Yant from Ajarn Apichai. The Yant is the Lanna Inn Khoo, and it
was drawn on a lady’s private parts, which is part of its Wicha. This
Yant has a kata, for which I can provide a recording, and it is placed
under the mattress to attract partners to your bed for sex, and through
that action, the Yant is made stronger.
155 copies available and 119 euros plus P+P.

It is the hope of the author that this book will become a benchmark for
the understanding of the ancient Occult practices of Thailand. After
this new work, information can then be added to The Thai Occult books
Facebook page as it arises and any questions can be answered there. If
it is a good question, an Ajarn from the book will be asked for their

The journey of understanding begins HERE

5 ECTOPLASMS - John Balance

Available now for PRE-ORDER with an expected early December delivery date is a
set of high quality prints on fine art paper of five exceptional
drawings John Balance created in 1994.

These magickally charged artworks are quite unlike anything in John Balance’s known visual oeuvre.
Clearly influenced by Austin Osman Spare’s
automatic drawings and originally considered “lost”, high resolution
scans have recently been rediscovered and are presented here  on 250gr
Rives paper, sized  30 x 40 cm in a limited, individually numbered and
blind-stamped edition of 50 copies available in a foil-blocked folder
with an additional variant embossed print of probably the most striking
image “Ectoplasm 4” as originally envisioned by Balance’s late partner,
artist Ian Johnstone, who had planned to do prints of these several years ago before his own untimely passing.
folder includes an extended limitation card featuring some rare and
private photos from the very final period of Balance’s earthly
existence, most of them seen here for the very first time.

EARLY BAZOOKA - Loulou Picasso

As the Special Edition of Early Bazooka sold out in record-breaking time and demand from our customers is very strong, we have decided to do 50 more deluxe copies with the exact same features detailed below. This second edition of the SE differs only in that it has Roman numbers.


Using Format